Dogs come from all over to be certified through Bright Spot Therapy Dogs, Inc. The organization is based in Western Massachusetts with evaluations taking place in Northampton which is conveniently located off Rte. 91. We have Bright Spots in the Boston Area, in Connecticut, and even in Maine. Bright Spots who have moved from Western Massachusetts continue their memberships with Bright Spot no matter where they live.
Bright Spot offers a thorough evaluation of your dog. We have a two-step process starting with a phone interview in which you are asked questions about your dog’s temperament and level of training. If the candidate passes the phone interview, you are then issued an application form for an evaluation.
We are proud to offer our evaluations in an actual nursing home setting. It is in such a setting that we are able to determine how your dog reacts to strange people, a strange place, strange sites, sounds, and smells. At the end of the evaluation, we sit down with you to discuss what type of visiting setting is best for you and your dog.
For those seeking therapy dog training to learn the skills and techniques used in visiting, workshops and private instruction are available. To learn more about therapy dog training and getting your dog certified through Bright Spot Therapy Dogs, Inc., visit our website at