Executive Director Cynthia Hinckley (lt) and Treasurer & Board Member Nancy Ronan (rt) accept the giant replica of the grant awarded to Bright Spot Therapy Dogs at a special awards ceremony held at The Garden House in Northampton, MA.
What an honor for Bright Spot Therapy Dogs to be among the wonderful non-profit organizations servicing the Pioneer Valley to receive a grant from Florence Bank.
What makes this extra special is that recipients of these grants are chosen by customers of the Bank. We are humbled and honored to have so many people believe in the meaningful work our volunteer therapy dog teams do for those in need throughout the area and beyond.
The funds received will go a long way to bring a bright spot in the lives of many…
Well-trained, certified therapy dog teams are critical in strengthening our current programs in healthcare and education, and in building new programs wherever therapy dogs can be of help. The funds will be used to defray the costs of training and certifying our ever-growing volunteer force, making it possible to keep costs to our dedicated volunteers as low as possible.
Voting for this year’s Florence Bank Customers’ Choice Community Grants runs January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.
If you are a customer of Florence Bank, why not vote TODAY and help us win another CCCG again when grants are awarded early in 2019. Bright Spot keeps growing and growing as more facilities recognize the power of the human-canine bond. We need your help to meet these needs. THANK YOU for your support!