Yesterday, I spent a fascinating afternoon at Eddie’s Wheels in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts… There I met Ed and Leslie Ginnell, founders of Eddie’s Wheels and dozens of Eddie’s Wheels dogs and their owners who had gathered for an afternoon picnic on the grounds of the Grinnell’s Eddie’s Wheels factory/showroom and home in Shelburne Falls. It was amazing to watch dogs of all shapes and sizes happily playing together and buzzing around the property – most wearing rear wheels, a few wearing front wheels. Clearly, these dogs were enjoying life and were adored by their owners who had turned to Eddie’s Wheels as a means of improving their dog’s quality of life. Leslie Grinnell informed me that most of the dogs were rescued from shelters and would otherwise have been euthanized.
Wheels are not for every dog… I asked Ed if wheels would work for all dogs or if there are special qualifications. “Not for dogs with chronic pain,” replied Ed, creator of these life-enhancing apparatuses. “But, if a dog is full of pep and wants to keep going, wheels can be a viable option.” I was informed by Leslie Grinnell that for most of these dogs, there are no surgeries that can help them. Certain breeds are prone to serious degenerative diseases rendering the dog unable to walk on his own.
Eddie’s Wheels dogs make great Therapy Dogs… Leslie took me into her office to watch a video entitled Disabled Dogs Working as Therapy Dogs Featured on CBS-Dallas which they have posted on their website. What inspiration these active, useful dogs provide the patients they visit at this rehabilitation center. Leslie plans to call us at Bright Spot Therapy Dogs to have two of her own Eddie’s Wheels dogs certified through us to become therapy dogs. These happy, affectionate dogs that have been helped by Eddie’s Wheels are now giving back by helping humans in need.
Seeing is believing… I had heard of Eddie’s Wheels before yesterday’s visit but didn’t truly understand how these gadgets work – and certainly didn’t fully understand what could be done to enhance a dog’s quality of life. It was well worth a trip to Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts – and a bonus was spending time touring the scenic New England Village of Shelburne Falls.
Wow those dogs are amazing!! I could see why they would make great therapy dogs. One of the dogs at MSKCC only had 3 legs and he is everyone’s favorite! (Well besides Baci)
We had a wonderful time at the picnic, my dog Baxter has been in a cart for 3 1/2 years, and with continued support from Eddie and Leslie he enjoys life to it’s fullest.