On my first morning back in the office after vacation it was great to open my computer and find Coco’s Report in my inbox. As usual, she’s been very busy working with the students and staff at the Robert E. Melican Middle School. Bright Spot Molly and in-training Sophie, too.
Here’s Coco…
This week, I went to school on Monday, Molly went on Tuesday and Friday, and Sophie went on Wednesday and Thursday. Between the three of us, we covered all five days.
Monday was another terrific day at school. The students in the behavior specialist’s room were so glad to see me, as they always are, and some of them were able to take me for walks throughout the day. I snuggled with students in there who were especially stressed or depressed. Mom and I also met with students one-on-one and in small groups. After school, I accompanied Mom to the faculty meeting, where I relaxed and drifted in and out of sleep.
Molly went to school on Tuesday and Friday this week. She had a great time seeing her old “friends” and making a lot of new ones. A few students interviewed Molly on Friday and that was very exciting. They were making a video all about our school and they will show it to the fifth graders when they come to tour our school later in the year. They wanted to make sure the therapy dogs were included in the video since they are such an important part of our school community. Some other students also interviewed Sophie and me earlier in the week.
One of the best things about this week was that the weather was finally starting to change a little. Our walks with students have been limited this winter because of the cold temperatures, but this week we had a few really nice, longer walks around the school building that were fun and not too chilly! Molly really loves getting outside with the students because all of us need a little fresh air and exercise during the day. It feels good to get out and move around together.
This week Julie remembers two very special moments with students and Molly. One time, Julie walked into the behavior specialist’s room to pick up Molly, and noticed she was lying on the floor calmly, and a student was lying right next to her. He was hugging her and just relaxing with his friend Molly. This is a student who has been making a lot of nice progress, both academically and behaviorally, since starting the school year. A lot of it has to do with the great support he is getting from his teachers and the staff in the behavior specialist’s room, but I’ll bet Molly, Sophie, and I have a little something to do with it, too.
On Friday, Julie was eating lunch with some students in the main guidance area and Molly was sitting in her office, lying down and watching them. A student came down to take a break in the guidance area and asked if he could go into Julie’s office and take his break with Molly. Julie knew Molly would love it, and the student went in. Julie continued to eat lunch with her group and occasionally looked over into her office to check on Molly and the student. The student didn’t know she was looking, but as the period went on, the student got closer and closer to Molly. He sat next to her and read while petting Molly. Then a little later, he was sitting closer and just looking into Molly’s eyes and petting her face. The last time Julie looked, he was lying on the floor next to Molly, just petting her and relaxing. It is amazing to see how comfortable and safe the students feel with Molly.
Sophie went to school with Mom on Wednesday and Thursday. Mom says that Sophie loved being there. A few students did tell Mom that Sophie is their favorite because she has more energy and can be more snuggly than Molly and I are. That may be true, but she also gets tired and over-stimulated at times because she expends so much energy. Molly and I, on the other hand, are always relaxed because we have such a low energy level.
On Wednesday, Sophie met with many students one-on-one with Mom, and in small groups with Mom and the guidance counselor. She also took several walks around the building with students. This is especially good for her so she has an outlet for some of her energy. She is very good about keeping her energy controlled, but it is important to let her use it whenever there is an opportunity. It was great for students, too, who have been cooped up inside all winter and need some air. Sophie also spent lots of time in the behavior specialist’s room, which she and the students enjoyed very much. After school, Mom took Sophie for a nice long walk, and then she napped in the car while Mom attended the School Committee meeting. Sophie was exhausted when she got home at 10:00 p.m.
Mom should have taken her cues from Sophie and kept her home on Thursday – she was tired. But Mom brought her to school again because students wanted her to. Sophie did really well for the first five hours, meeting with lots of students, meeting with a parent who wanted to see her, and working in the behavior specialist’s room. She was happy and was enjoying her time at school. At one point, however, she backed away from a student and went to the opposite side of the guidance counselor, away from the student. Both Mom and the guidance counselor realized that she had had enough for the day. She napped in the car for the rest of the day, completely wiped out from her work at school. Because Molly and I are so easy-going, can sleep anywhere, and make the work look easy, Mom expected Sophie to be able to do the same. She cannot work for an entire day without some breaks where she is allowed to sleep without distraction and disruption – that is just who she is. She also cannot work for nine to ten hours a day like Molly and I can. She was very good about letting the adults know when she had had enough, but Mom learned a very important lesson: The work we do at school is difficult. Molly and I make it look easy, but it is not. It takes a lot of energy, control, and patience to do what we do every day we are there. Mom is confident that Sophie will grow into working full days at school, but for now when she goes to school, she will only work one to two hours at a time. ~Coco