King was invited to join the second and third graders in the Greens’ class this morning after his regular office hours with his individual readers were finished up.
King listened to the final round of student-written books about animals living in Massachusetts. One reader wrote about the ringneck snake. King and I learned a lot from this student’s book. The ringneck was unfamiliar to us. Now we know how to recognize it, and know, too, that it isn’t harmful to humans.
King said his good-byes to his individual readers (getting lots of hugs!), closed his office for the final time this school year, and headed down the hall to the Greens’ classroom. He was immediately surrounded by the roomful of students, all wanting to pet him and hug him one last time.
The teacher, Nan Childs, instructed the students to sit in a circle formation, with King and I invited to sit at the head – me in the cozy rocking chair and King at my side. Nan then told us that each student had written a special Thank You note to King, complete with a drawing of their special Reading Buddy.
Each child took a turn reading his or her Thank You note aloud. Each had something special to say about King. You never made fun of me. You always listened to me. You never interupted me while I read. I wish I had a dog of my own to read to. I will miss you, King. Have a good summer, King! I can’t wait to see you again in September. The drawings are priceless. Some included me!
This was a very special ending for a wonderful year spent working with children and seeing them progress as the school year went on. Some of the Greens will be moving up to 4th grade, others will remain another year in the Greens. King and I look forward to resuming office hours in September in the special space reserved just for him, the Bright Spot Reading Buddy, every Tuesday morning, 9:00-11:00.