Looking through the window, the weather outside, in fact, looks quite delightful – but it’s the temperature that’s frightful! for my dogs, anyway… and they’ll opt for the fireside when temperatures reach the low single digits, as they did today.
We, of course, did our necessary outings several times today – we even did one quick snowshoe game in the back field. Created some new paths; Annie made some offshoots of her own. Then I noticed, she was way out there ahead of me and was holding up first a front leg, then a back leg, struggling in an attempt to lift all paws up out of the cold snow. I looked back toward the house and Trudi and James had already made a beeline to the door. Time to head in!
A dog’s ability to tolerate the cold, in great part, is breed-dependent. You wouldn’t see a Huskie or Malamute rushing to the door. And, my sister tells me that her Sheltie loves staying out for hours at a time. On the other hand, a Greyhound needs to wear a coat when taken out in the cold and much prefers the comfort of the couch. Let your dog be your guide… bottom line.
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