Along with all the first and seconders at The Westhampton Elementary School who love reading to their special Bright Spot Canine Reading Buddy, therapy dog Lily has several new friends at the school. They include the preschool teacher, the first grade teacher, and Karen, the librarian. Lily spots them as we head to the office to sign the guest registry.
Once signed in, Lily heads to the staff members waiting to give her a hug, pet her head and rub her back. She just loves this undivided attention. At home, she has to share me with our three other canines, but here, at the school, she’s the top dog. No competition. She gets very excited greeting her adult human friends, but being a good therapy dog, Lily knows proper behavior while on the job. As the first graders file into the library and take their assigned seats at the tables, she is completely composed ready to listen to books read to her by three first graders, followed by three second graders. I love watching her be so happy. The perfect environment for this special therapy dog.