Those of you who have young children may have experienced a feeling of joy when your children behaved well in public… You take them out to eat in a nice restaurant or to watch a performance in a theater… you may be holding your breath, wondering how they’ll behave… and they surprise you by rising to the occasion, acting like angels – even if they’ve been acting like little hellions at home. Although my daughters are all grown up now, I can remember that surge of pride I felt when company came over and they showed off their manners.
Such was the case yesterday with my canine girls Annie and Lily. Just a handful of days since Lily shred the fireside dog bed to pieces and dismantled my fur-lined winter gloves, she – and Annie – showed their darling, well-trained side to friends who came over for a visit.
Both Annie and Lily greeted them at the door with a Sit – no jumping up. Hallelujah! They, then, proceeded to follow us into the kitchen and lie down in relaxed-fashion at our feet while we chatted. James, of course, was present. He kept his comfortable post on the couch, basking in the warmth of the fire. He raised his head in acknowledgment of our visitors, then went back to his musings.
When it was time for them to leave, the girls ever-so-calmly followed us to the door, Sat (as taught) while I opened it and we said our farewells while the girls sat proudly at attention. You could tell they were happy with themselves. They knew, through consistent training, that this was what they were supposed to be doing. I think they were as proud of themselves, as I was of them. When my friends were through the door and on their way, I praised and released them. Treats were given in abundance! A big pay-off for such great behavior.
We all have those days when we wonder if our training will ever pay off. I have my share of those days! But, these young girls are coming through for me more and more. Proof that consistent training is key to having a well-behaved, well-adjusted, happy dog. It’s so worth the effort… every bit of it! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Smashing – you should be very proud of these young ladies.