Today James turns 11 years old. He and his sister Julia (who passed away last October) came to live here with us on Bridgvale Farm when they were 5 1/2 years old. From the moment James entered our lives, he stole our hearts with his soulful look, his gentle manner, and his innate ability to comfort when needed – both at home and at “work” as a certified Therapy Dog. During the 5 1/2 years he has been visiting in the nursing home, psychiatric facility, and hospice, he has touched the lives of over 5,000 patients and residents. In the past 2 years, his special expertise has been with hospice patients where he often will lie for an hour at a time alongside his patient in bed with his head ever-so-lightly resting on their chest.
We all adore this true gentleman-of-a-dog. We are honored that his breeder, Judi Hunter, let him come to live with us. He has carried on the meaningful therapy dog work started by our first English Setter, Beatrice, back in 1992 – followed by Trudi, Phoebe, and his sister Julia. I start every morning with this wonderful dog walking at my side. James, I hope we will have many, many more special walks together, starting our day with the sun rising over the pasture in the distance as we chat about the day ahead.
Sto lat, James! That’s 100 years wished to you, though you’ve already done that much good work on this earth. Bisquick sends a big hug. xx