We certainly are experiencing winter here in western Massachusetts this year! It started snowing after midnight last night and is still coming down now at 4:30 PM.
I knew it would be a tough day for the dogs. When the snow is really deep it’s hard for them to get beyond the door. Shoveling pathways for them to go out and do their business is about all we can do at this point. They made a quick about face on their first outing of the day at 6:00 AM. Not only was the snow already deep but the winds were very strong.
English Setters are a great breed for getting away with little activity when necessary. They are pretty content just being inside with their human family members. But, when this happens, I really have to force the issue about getting them out for a little exercise. Movement is especially important for our elderly Trudi (15 1/2 yrs). If she goes for a long time just lying on her dog bed, she has a very hard time getting up. We made it out to the mailbox for the newspaper in the morning and the mail later in the day. But, they were very quick to give me the sign that they wanted back inside by the warm fire.
Then, suddenly, late-afternoon, while I was at work on the computer, all three came over – James gave me his famous nudge on my arm – they all looked at me, then looked at the door to go out. So, out the side door and into our fenced backyard they went… unfortunately, Trudi, being a little girl, sank in up to her chest and just couldn’t get moving. She turned around and came in. James and Annie sprang out the door with joy and leaped around the back acre and a half – springing up in the air and playing with each other. This snow dance lasted about 10 minutes, then they were back at the door asking to come in. And now – back to the cozy beds by the fire.
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