Exams = Stress. Therapy Dogs = Calm. As stated by one student today who sat on the floor next to my Therapy Dog, King, I don’t know what’s going on here, or how it’s happening, but I’m feeling so relaxed, the more I sit here petting King.
At precisely 11:30 a.m., the doors of the Student Union Ballroom at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst opened and in came the students, all eager to spend time with the 18 Bright Spot Therapy Dogs seated with their handlers around the room.
It was a record-breaking crowd of 1300. Our last three events each drew 1100 students from their studies. It’s now become a tradition, one girl told me. Students plan their semester around when the Therapy Dogs are coming to campus. The event ran through 2:00 p.m. with a continuous flow of students throughout the day.
Students always remark at how well-behaved the dogs are. Many ask questions about the training process involved in becoming a certified Therapy Dog. One student lives locally and plans to start training her own dog to be a Bright Spot Therapy Dog.
They want to know where the dogs make their regular visits and how it is decided which dogs visit in hospitals, other healthcare environments, and which work with children.
The overall mood throughout the large ballroom was one of a soothing calm… voices were low and muted.
And, as always, everyone involved: students, staff members, volunteers, and the dogs, all had a marvelous time.