The students stand cross-legged in a circle. They each had a Dr. Suess book to read aloud to Lily. First graders started, followed by the second graders.
They read with expression and confidence to Lily and the others in their class. Each showed how much their reading had improved since the beginning of the school year last September.
They know how much Lily likes to listen to Dr. Suess. Really one of her favorite authors, they are certain. Lily lay down next to each reader, listening intently, as good Reading Buddies do.
This ends Lily’s second year as a Bright Spot Reading Buddy at the Westhampton Elementary School. She loves being with the children, and they all enjoy reading to her one-on-one in the library’s special reading corner. Throughout the year, each reader was given a Lily bookmark to use at home when they read books.
Lily and I said our good-byes and wished all the boys and girls a good summer – and we encouraged them to read books over the summer to their own dogs or other pets, or their younger sisters and brothers.