It’s early morning here in San Francisco. Folks in my home state of Massachusetts have been well underway, three hours ahead. As my daughter and her husband still slumber upstairs, my East Coast clock has me rising far before them. What a pleasure to be greeted by Coco’s final report of the school year when I started checking my emails. This fine dog has done such meaningful work for the students and staff of the Robert E. Melican Middle School in Northborough, Massachusetts, in her first year as a Bright Spot Therapy Dog.
Here’s Coco with her final report of the year…
My last week at Mom’s school was as busy as ever. I went with her to school Monday, Tuesday, and Friday this week.
I started each of my three days helping Mom deliver classroom coverage slips, and then we worked on obedience. I enjoy practicing obedience even though I am not currently enrolled in a class – it makes me think AND I get extra treats.
Monday and Tuesday were interesting because I got to meet our incoming sixth graders. Northborough has four elementary schools. Fifth graders from each school came for a ninety-minute visit, which included a presentation and a student-led tour. After each of the four tours, Mom introduced me to students and explained what I do at school to help people. Students were very excited about having a dog at their school next year, and many of them wanted to pet me. Mom and I waited outside the building as students exited so those who wanted to pet me could do so on their way out. Almost every student petted me – there are approximately 60 fifth graders at each school! I loved the attention, and meeting next year’s sixth graders. Aside from the sixth grade tours, I also was able to spend time with many students throughout the course of those two days.
One parent was crying while she waited for her son’s guidance counselor to meet with her. She was sitting on a bench outside the office, and when I came in from a walk outside with some students, I went to her and kissed her face repeatedly. She hugged me and petted me through her tears, and said I had helped her feel better. I could tell something was wrong. Later, Mom told me her son was in a huge struggle, and that I have a knack for understanding when people need some extra love and affection from me. I helped the mother feel better, and she was able to regain her composure and talk with the guidance counselor about the situation.
Friday was bittersweet. It was my last day at Mom’s school for the year. I got to spend time with lots of students. Many of them took me for walks outside with Mom or the guidance counselor. Lots of other students were outside, and several groups of them came up to hug me and say good-bye for the summer. I will miss all the students over the summer but, like everyone else, I am looking forward to a break.
As I reflect on my time at the Robert E. Melican Middle School this year, I feel blessed to be given the opportunity to work with so many students and staff members. My first day at school with Mom was in November, and since then, I went from one day each week, to two days, to three days each week with Mom at school. Mom says I could go every day with her to school and it would not be too much for the people there – it would be too much for me, though, and she and I both know that three days is my limit. When I go to school with Mom, I spend between nine and eleven hours there, supporting students, teachers, counselors, parents, custodians, secretaries, and bus drivers – EVERYONE needs some canine support from time to time.
In case I was uncertain about the impact I have had on Mom’s school, students created a beautiful mural in the conference room depicting the four seasons, and I am in one of the scenes. Additionally, I have an entire page of photos with students and me in this year’s yearbook. I am not exactly sure what any of that means, but Mom says that is not bad for an old rescue dog from Indiana who had breast cancer and no place to call home, and she is very proud of me.
The experience working as the school’s therapy dog has been amazing – I am excited about continuing my work there next year, but I am also looking forward to working more at our local nursing home over the summer. I know Mom and Dad will take Toby, Sophie, and me to the beach this summer, and Mom will take us hiking and swimming, which I am also looking forward to. Mom wants to try me in her kayak…we’ll see how that goes.
Have a great summer everyone! ~Coco