Coco has written a wonderful wrap-up of her second year as Therapy Dog On Duty at the Robert E. Melican Middle School in Northborough, Massachusetts. Enjoy…
Monday was my last day working at Mom’s school with students until August. I will go to work at the Melican Middle School with her some over the summer, as she assumes her new role as principal. I went to school last week on Monday and Wednesday, and finished my year yesterday, Monday, June 22nd.
Last Monday, I went for many walks with students. I also spent a great deal of time in the behavior specialist’s room like I always do, calming and supporting students who need a break from the school day, who have anxiety or depression, or who just need a listening ear.
Mom wanted to make sure many of my regulars were able to spend some time with me over my last days. As usual, on Wednesday, I spent lots of time in the behavior specialist’s room, working with students in there. When Mom and another student came to take me from that space for a walk, one of my dear friends said, Don’t take my dog… This particular student has a very difficult home situation and he and I have really bonded. When he is having extremely tough scenarios play out at home, I sense it, and I snuggle more with him and give him more attention.
The head custodian was talking to Mom and petting me, and he reminded Mom that he was not initially a supporter of the school’s therapy dog program. As you might expect, he was concerned about the dog hair, possible spots on the carpets, and other potential issues. He said he is amazed at what an impact Molly and I have had on the students and others. He went on to say, That’s why I love Coco – she expects nothing, and gives everything… He can be gruff on the outside, but he is very sensitive and kind when you get to know him. He and I really hit it off when I first started at school, and we have remained close.
The end of the day Wednesday was fairly chaotic, with many things happening at once, and Mom and others in the office balancing a myriad of issues. The office secretaries love me, and I love them, so I was able to stay with them until the situation settled down. Later, I relaxed in Mom’s office while she finished up her work. We did not leave until after 6:00 p.m.
Yesterday (Monday), I spent time with many of the students who are very connected to me. I went for several walks outside and I spent time with students as Mom wished them a wonderful and relaxing summer. At the end of the day, I waited with Mom outside as students boarded the buses. Many students stopped to pet me and wish me a wonderful summer.
Overall, I had a terrific year. I think I mentioned in a previous post that I worked approximately 90 days this year. That is over 900 hours! I loved every minute of it! Mom says I have made a huge difference for students, staff, and families. Three years ago, I was homeless in Indiana, suffering from mammary cancer, and wondering if I would ever find a home. Now, at age nine or ten – no one knows for sure – I have become an integral part of the Melican Middle School.
I will miss being at school with students over the summer, but I am looking forward to some hiking, kayaking, and beach time with Mom and the rest of my family. ~Coco