Teach stationed himself on a bench right next to the security checkpoints. The perfect place to get lots of attention!
After four weeks of therapy dog duty at home helping me recover from a back injury, Teach was glad we were heading out to work!
All the signs were in place. Weekend – a bath and a trim. Monday morning, the vest, leash, and badge on the kitchen table. These were the cues signaling to Teach that this Monday we’d be hitting the road. His excitement was nearly uncontrollable… prancing around the room, tailing wagging. A quick romp out in the back field to race off that excess energy, inside for a bushing – then a leap into the car!
This Monday morning Teach and I were headed to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut were he’s on duty as a Bradley Buddy on alternate Monday mornings.
The visiting experience is unlike any other. Teach gets to meet so many people in a short amount of time. People from all other the country, traveling for all kinds of reasons. It’s a busy place with lots of hustle and bustle. He loves the attention he gets when people stop to admire his orange belton good looks, beautiful soft fur, and sweet face. I love that here at the airport many people from around the country actually know that he’s an English Setter! Not many in our area of western Massachusetts have ever seen one!
I was extra proud of my boy today. Before visiting around the airport could start, we had a meeting upstairs with the director of our Bradley Buddies Program.
There was much business to cover and for an entire 90 minutes Teach lay at my feet, perfectly content. He would have stayed there all day, if need be. As long as he’s next to me, he’s a happy boy! When I rose from the table, he quietly got to his feet. Down the elevator we went to the main area and began to make the rounds.
You’re so gorgeous!
May I pet him?
This is the best…having these dogs here at the airport that we can actually pet!
Teach responded with smiles, tail wags, and extra leaning in for those hugs. Before ending our visit and heading to the parking garage, Teach always stops at the Information Desk on the 1st floor level/Baggage Claim area. The friendly people there are volunteers, too, who offer there time to people people coming off their flights. These folks love a visit from Teach and he adores all that extra attention. Once in the car, Teach naps on the way home…. a job well done!