From his favorite spot on the sofa, King keeps his eye on me.
No matter what we’re doing together, my sweet, gentle English Setter King is a joy to be with.
Today was his Spa Day… meaning a bath, blow-dry, trim, and pedicure. Now, a lot of dogs I know would run in the other direction with this on the day’s agenda. But, not my boy King. He knows the cues. Out comes the job vac. With this he lifts his head from the sofa and starts to take note. He hears me adjusting the grooming table to the center of the floor in the dogs’ grooming room and comes running. And I put on my purple smock. Once the smock is on, King’s excitement is at a high. He literally runs ahead of me to the grooming room – and there he is, excitedly waiting for me, atop the table.

Mid-trim, King poses for a photo
King loves having a bath. Loves being brushed. Loves being trimmed.
Gosh-he even takes a pedicure in his stride. As long as he’s doing things with me, this special boy is a happy dog. While on the table, every 15 minutes or so, he leans in toward me, placing his head on my shoulder. Of course, I stop and give him a hug and kiss. Such a sweetheart!

King and I took an extra-long walk post trim. Such a gorgeous autumn day.
Today, as always after a trim, we headed out for a long walk together.
I have to say, I enjoy spending all the time I can with this guy, no matter what we’re doing. Love grooming this dog. He loves looking good! As I write this quick post, he’s lying on the floor right up against my feet. He’s never far away!