Oh, my! Lily and King, I can’t believe you two young pups are already nine years old! Dog years go by way too quickly…
At our house, birthdays are celebrated all month long, so Lily and King, starting today, May 1st – Your Birthday – you’ll have a month-long of special days. Special days? I know, you two are thinking every day is special… and you’re right. With you two, and Annie making three, every day is special, for all of us. But, get ready, older sister Annie has several surprises in store for you!

Bright Spot Therapy Dog Lily helps relax college students as they prepare for final exams.
Such joy the two of you have brought to our lives and to the lives of so many as Bright Spot Therapy dogs…
Your sweet, gentle, quiet natures and soulful expressions bring comfort, companionship, and happiness to all who interact with you. Who couldn’t feel better when they put their arms around you and give you a tight hug?

King on the job as a Bright Spot Therapy Dogs Bradley Buddie at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.
To their first mom, Judi Hunter, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for entrusting these two amazing dogs with us. You would be so proud of all the comfort and caring they bring to those in need.
May they have many more Happy Birthdays ahead…