Community groups of all kinds are eager to learn about the meaningful work Therapy Dogs are doing in healthcare and educational settings. This past month, several Bright Spot Therapy Dog volunteers spoke to folks at The American Inn at Sawmill Park, a retirement community in Southwick, Massachusetts, and the South Hadley Women’s Club in South Hadley, Massachusetts.
I gave a formal talk about our organization, including what we look for in a Therapy Dog, our training, evaluation, and certification process. I spent time explaining the difference between Service Dogs and Therapy Dogs, terms that are often confused today, then turned the program over to our volunteers who spoke about the type of visits they make with their Therapy Dogs. Some of the volunteers in attendance visit a community hospital, some nursing homes, two make visits to hospice patients, another is involved with our Reading Buddy Program.
Questions and answered followed the talks. Both groups were full of questions and comments.
Best of all, was spending time interacting with these sweet, friendly Therapy Dogs. Each of the programs ended with lots of smiles and laughter as the dogs worked through the crowds of people. One women got right down on the floor with the dogs, hugging and laughing!