Our wonderful weekly guest blogger Coco is back to school and sharing her meaningful work with us in hopes of inspiring other dog owners to share their sweet, gentle, well-behaved dogs with those in need by becoming a certified Bright Spot Therapy Dog. For readers new to Say Hello Spot, Coco goes to work with her mom, Michelle, who is the principal at theRobert E. Melican Middle School in Northborough, Massachusetts. Last year, Coco accompanied her mom to school two to three days per week for the entire school year and wrote a post about her work each week to share with us. Coco did many amazing things last year to help both students and staff at this 630-student middle school. I’m thrilled that she is continuing to share her work with us this year.
So, in her own words, here’s Coco…
I went to school with Mom on Friday today for the first time this year. I was so excited to finally be able to get back to doing what I love most – working with the students and staff at the Robert E. Melican Middle School.
Over the summer, I began limping and presenting with what appeared to be a sprain or severe arthritis. I have a lump on my front right shoulder, and the vet is trying to figure out exactly what it is. It is painful for me – far more painful than I let on to Mom or Dad – and I have been resting, and taking medications for the pain and the swelling. Students at Mom’s school have been asking for me since school began for them on September 1st, and I have been patiently waiting for Mom to take me. Each morning when she is getting ready to leave for work, I hope to see my blue vest come off the peg where it hangs when not in use. Today, FINALLY, Mom took down my vest. Before putting it on, she put a t-shirt on me to hide the shaved portion of my shoulder (which the vet shaved to get a better look at what is going on) so students would not be alarmed by it or ask questions. Actually, the opposite happened: Students LOVED the t-shirt!
Jess, the behavior, specialist is like my “work Mom” – over the past year and-a-half that I have worked at the Robert E. Melican Middle School, I have spent so much time with her in her room with students. I trust her. I love her. Today, when she came into Mom’s office before school started, she sat on the floor with me and cried. Although I am losing my hearing, I heard her tell Mom she had picked up her black lab’s ashes from the vet the day before. As she snuggled with me, she said through her tears, “It is so good to see you, Coco. I don’t want to lose you, too.” I guess she was referring to the lump on my shoulder.
Mom seems pretty busy in her new job as building principal. I did not see her between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. I spent most of the day in the behavior specialist’s room, a place that I have grown to love. Students spend time in that room taking breaks from the stress of their day. Some students have anxiety. Others have depression. Some students need a quiet place to relax or complete work. Other students need a smaller setting to learn. I reconnected with many of my friends from last year, and I met some new students. I snuggled with students who needed comfort, and I sat next to students completing work who needed assurance and support. I also met two new instructional aides who work in the behavior specialist’s room – they are great! We hit it off immediately.
Julie, one of the guidance counselors, is my second “work mom” – I do not spend as much time with her as I do Jess, but I love her and trust her, as well. She and I met with several students that I know from last year and/or the year before who have been asking to see me.
At the end of the day, I waited out front with Mom as students exited the building to board he 17 buses. Over 100 of the 630 students students stopped to pet me, wish me a good weekend, ask if I’d be back next week, or pose for a picture with me.
I was tired from my busy day, but I felt terrific knowing that I helped so many people. Mom is hoping to take me twice next week, depending on how my shoulder is. I hope I am able to go two days so I can see even more students and staff members. I LOVE my work at Mom’s school. ~Coco