Our Bright Spot Reading Buddies Program at the Hilltown Charter School in Haydenville, Massachusetts, commenced today with a full slate of readers in the two K-1 classes and the two grade 2-3 classes. Two weeks ago, Reading Buddies Lilo and Violet visited the classes so the boys and girls had a chance to meet their Reading Buddies and watch their teachers model reading a book to the dog.
Three assigned readers from each of the two grade 2-3 classes treated Reading Buddy Violet to a variety of stories: scary mysteries, dog stories, funny stories about pigs, an Amelia Bedelia chapter book, and more. Violet showed her excellent Reading Buddy manners by either lying down or sitting next to the reading and listening attentively. Each classroom has a cozy spot set up, away from the rest of the classroom activity, where each reader has one-on-one time with the dog.
Today’s readers came to their sessions well prepared. It was obvious that each of them had practiced reading their chosen books ahead of time to be ready for their special time with the dog. One girl said she chose two dog books to read to Violet. She thought Violet would like to listen to stories about dogs – and she even thought the dogs in the stories looked a bit like Violet. One boy was reading a mystical fantasy, a long chapter book. He loved the book so much, he was reading it for a second time. He thought Violet would enjoy listening to one of the chapters. She did, indeed, seem very interested!
We met up with the other Reading Buddies team of Lilo and Ern Damon after our sessions had concluded. Ern said that Lilo, too, had a great time listening to the K-1 children read their stories. Lots of FUN for all. Can’t wait for more stories next week!