For the third summer in a row, Bright Spot Therapy Dogs launched the start of our Summer Reading Buddy Program at the Eric Carle Museum in South Amherst, Massachusetts.
King was very excited to put on his therapy dog vest and head out the door to go to work. Since the school year ended in mid-June, King hasn’t been working with any young children – something he loves doing.
Every Monday afternoon throughout July and August, young children have the fun of reading aloud to one of our specially trained Bright Spot Reading Buddy Dogs. Whether the youngster simply talks about the pictures in the book or reads every word on the page, sitting next to the dog and petting him provides a sense of calm. The non-threatening, non-judgmental Reading Buddy sits or lies down and seemingly listens to every word spoken by the reader – and enjoys looking at the pictures,too.
Readers must be signed-up ahead to reserve a coveted slot with the Reading Buddy. Four time slots are available every Monday afternoon. To reserve a time for your young reader, call the Eric Carle Museum and ask to sign-up for time with the Reading Buddy . One of the readers King had today has come to the Summer Reading Buddy Program every summer since it started at the Carle. Both the children and their adults love it!